
How To Repair A Rotator Cuff Tear


What is the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in your shoulder. They assist you elevator and movement your arms abroad from your trunk. The rotator cuff keeps the ball of the upper arm bone (humerus) in the shoulder bract socket.

What is a rotator cuff tear?

The shoulder is a brawl-and-socket joint that's part of the skeletal arrangement. It's like a golf ball sitting on a golf tee. Rotator cuff tears occur when tendons pull abroad from the arm os. A tear may result from overuse or another injury.

What are the types of rotator cuff tears?

Types of torn rotator cuffs include:

  • Fractional: With an incomplete or fractional tear, the tendon still somewhat attaches to the arm bone.
  • Complete: With a full-thickness or consummate tear, the tendon separates completely from the bone. At that place'southward a pigsty or rip in the tendon.

How common are rotator gage tears?

More than two million Americans experience some type of rotator cuff problem every year. Rotator cuff tears touch people of all ages and genders, but the trouble is more mutual in adults.

Symptoms and Causes

What causes a rotator cuff tear?

An blow, such every bit a autumn, tin can cause a broken collarbone or dislocated shoulder that tears the rotator gage.

More commonly, rotator gage tears occur over time equally the tendon wears downwards with historic period and apply (degenerative tear). People over 40 are near at risk.

Causes of degenerative tears include:

  • Bone spurs: Bony growths can form on the top of the shoulder os. These bone spurs rub against the tendon when y'all lift your arm. This shoulder impingement creates friction between the bone and tendon. Eventually, a fractional or complete tear may occur.
  • Decreased claret flow: Claret menses to the rotator cuff decreases equally you get older. Your muscles and tendons need a healthy blood supply to repair themselves. If blood doesn't attend the tendons, they can tear.
  • Overuse: Repetitive shoulder movements during sports or on the job can stress muscles and tendons, causing a tear.
  • What are gamble factors for rotator cuff tears?

Anyone can experience a rotator cuff tear. These factors may increase your risk:

  • Family history of shoulder problems or rotator cuff injuries.
  • Poor posture.
  • Smoking.
  • Being age 40 or older.

Degenerative tears are more common amidst people who do the same repetitive shoulder movements, such as:

  • Carpenters.
  • Mechanics.
  • Painters.
  • Recreational and professional athletes who play baseball, softball and lawn tennis or are office of a rowing crew.

Do rotator gage tears affect both shoulders?

Tears tend to occur on your dominant side, merely can be on either side. Having a tear in one shoulder increases the likelihood of a tear in the opposite shoulder. You might non accept shoulder pain on the reverse side, but tests may indicate a tear. The reverse may also be truthful: y'all may take a tear simply have no pain or symptoms.

What are the symptoms of a rotator cuff tear?

Sudden tears from accidents cause firsthand, intense shoulder hurting and arm weakness. With degenerative tears, you may have mild hurting that improves with over-the-counter pain relievers. Over fourth dimension, the pain gets worse, and hurting relievers don't help. Not anybody has hurting, simply about people take some degree of arm and shoulder weakness.

Signs of a rotator gage tear include:

  • Difficulty and hurting acquired by raising your arm.
  • Popping or clicking sounds or sensations when moving your arm.
  • Shoulder pain that worsens at dark or when resting your arm.
  • Shoulder weakness and struggling to lift items.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is a rotator gage tear diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam to check for shoulder tenderness, range of motion and arm strength.

To confirm a diagnosis, y'all may get:

  • An Ten-ray to check for arthritis or bone spurs.
  • An MRI or ultrasound to look for tendon tears.

Management and Treatment

What are the complications of a rotator cuff tear?

A rotator gage tear can become worse without treatment. A complete tear can brand it almost incommunicable to move your arm. Without treatment, you may have chronic shoulder hurting and find it very difficult to use the injured arm.

What are nonsurgical treatments for rotator gage tears?

Rotator cuff tears do not heal on their ain without surgery, but many patients can ameliorate functionally and decrease pain with nonsurgical handling by strengthening their shoulder muscles. Just considering at that place is a tear, does not necessarily mean a surgery is needed. About eight out of x people with partial tears get better with nonsurgical treatments. It can have up to a year for the condition to better.

Nonsurgical treatments include:

  • An arm sling and rest to requite your shoulder time to heal. You may need to modify activities and finish certain piece of work or sports for a period of time.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to minimize pain and swelling.
  • Physical therapy to acquire strengthening and stretching exercises.
  • Steroid injections to ease hurting and swelling.

What are the surgical treatments for rotator gage tears?

Your healthcare provider may recommend surgery if you accept a complete tear or nonsurgical treatments don't assist a partial tear. Y'all may also have surgery if your job or athletic interests affect the shoulder.

Most rotator cuff surgeries have place arthroscopically through minor incisions. The surgery is an outpatient procedure. You become home the same day, simply the overall recovery after this surgery is very substantial and can accept up to a yr or more.

Some tears are not repairable due to the size and/or age of the tear, and may necessitate reverse shoulder replacement, tendon transfer, or a debridement of scar tissue without repair.

During surgery, your healthcare provider:

  • Inserts an arthroscope (pocket-sized camera) through a small-scale incision in your shoulder.
  • Refers to images from the arthroscope to perform the procedure.
  • Inserts tiny instruments into pocket-size incisions in your shoulder to remove bone spurs and reattach the tendon to the upper arm os.

For a partial tear, your healthcare provider may only demand to trim fraying pieces of a partially torn tendon. This debridement procedure keeps the shoulder ball and socket from communicable on the tendon and fierce information technology more.

After surgery, y'all need to vesture a sling to immobilize your arm for four to vi weeks. Y'all can then kickoff physical therapy. Nearly people regain shoulder function and force inside iv to half dozen months later surgery, simply full recovery may take up to 12-18 months.


How tin I preclude a rotator gage tear?

To preclude a rotator cuff tear, information technology's important to keep your muscles and tendons flexible. Your healthcare provider can teach you stretching and strengthening exercises to do at dwelling house.

Outlook / Prognosis

What is the prognosis (outlook) for people who accept a rotator cuff tear?

Most people see improvements with nonsurgical treatments. Recovery takes time because your body needs fourth dimension to heal. Most people who take surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff regain role.

Information technology's possible to tear the aforementioned tendon again, especially if the get-go tear was bigger than ane inch. A re-tear that causes severe pain or loss of motion may crave surgery.

Living With

When should I telephone call my healthcare provider?

Y'all should phone call your healthcare provider if you experience:

  • Chronic shoulder and arm pain.
  • Hurting that worsens at night or interferes with slumber.
  • Redness, swelling, or tenderness in the shoulder articulation area.
  • Shoulder or arm weakness.

What questions should I enquire my healthcare provider?

You may desire to ask your healthcare provider:

  • What caused the rotator cuff tear?
  • What is the best handling for me?
  • What tin can I do to lower the run a risk of getting another rotator cuff tear?
  • Should I look out for signs of complications?
  • Which signs of complications?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

If yous work a very concrete chore or you're an athlete, a rotator gage injury will likely demote y'all, simply it doesn't have to be the end of your career. Talk to your healthcare provider virtually the best handling options, whether nonsurgical or surgical. Your shoulder may be weak and painful for a while, only it will eventually heal.


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