Reviewing the critters of Subnautica: Below Zero | PC Gamer - smithsheight
Reviewing the critters of Subnautica: Below Cipher

Subnautica: Below Zero is a great survival of the fittest game for many reasons, but what makes IT one of the most singular survival sims is its colourful and creative fauna. Infra Zero's animals range from small Pisces that can fit in your hired hand, to huge, terrifying leviathans that stool fit you in their mouths. The way you interact with these animals, and the shipway they interact with you, are a crucial constituent in On a lower floor Zero's dynamic and stunning travel of breakthrough.
But which is the best creature in Below Zero? The apex vulture, the cutest critter, the emperor penguin? To find out, I deepened up Below Zero's marine zoo, and hierarchic them according to the undermentioned criteria: cuteness, threat, function, and strangeness. Thusly net ball's find out who sinks and who swims.
The pengwing is basically a penguin, only it has four eyes and its beak is on the top of its head. You'll see them waddling around on ice floes and diving for fish in the shallower areas of Below Zero's arctic ocean. They're passive and friendly creatures, unless you arrest their young, whereupon they'll cursorily put off a beak-shaped hole in your diving suit.
Cuteness: 6/10
Threat: 2/10
Function: 0/10
Strangeness: 4/10
A baby pengling. Look-alike to the big, but much cuter.
Cuteness: 9/10
Threat: 0/10
Function: 0/10
Unfamiliarity: 4/10
The pinnacarid is a pengwing that God dropped and then accidentally stood on. This evolutionary disaster of a bird has an inexplicable number of fins, antennae, and weird bladelike growths protruding from the sides of its direct. It's entirely harmless and can actually be fed fish aside the player, but it is phenomenally ugly.
Cuteness: 0/10
Threat: 0/10
Mathematical function: 0/10
Curiousness: 9/10
Arctic peeper
The chilly cousin of Subnautica's voyeur, this large-eyed fish is distinguished from its tropical relative by its longer fins and purplish hue. Cute to attend at and good to feed, it is among the most general of wholly Below Zipp's animals.
Prettiness: 6/10
Threat: 0/10
Officiate: 8/10
Strangeness: 5/10
Titan holefish
A big yellow water system doughnut, the titan holefish is easily recognisable past the fact that information technology's shaped equivalent something Sonic the Hedgehog would pull in. Easily one of the oddest-looking creatures in Under Zero, it also has a practical purpose. The hole in the centre of its consistence traps air, which way you can catch a lungful of O by swimming close to them.
Cuteness: 2/10
Scourge: 0/10
Function: 7/10
Strangeness: 8/10
Brute shark
A big, speechless, ugly alien shark. Will try to eat you, merely easy avoided.
Cuteness: 0/10
Threat: 5/10
Function: 0/10
Strangeness: 3/10
Sea monkey
Uncorrelated to the sperm-like creatures you can buy in a packet at the garden center, Subnautica's sea monkeys are human-sized marine creatures that are among the well-nig intelligent of Downstairs Set's animate being. They display a particular pursuit in shiny metal objects, including your equipment, which they will attempt to bargain from you to decorate their nests. After a certain point in the story, nevertheless, they'll shift to helping you, aggregation resources and oblation them to you whenever you're close-knit by. They're also undeniably cute.
Cuteness: 8/10
Threat: 3/10
Function: 8/10
Strangeness: 6/10
Glow whale
The glowing whale is a whale that glows. While impressively large, they're differently fairly workaday creatures on the To a lower place Cipher graduated table. They can be petted by the thespian, however, giving them a slight encourage to cuteness.
Prettiness: 5/10
Threat: 0/10
Procedure: 1/10
Curiousness: 2/10
Sway puncher
Basically what you'd get if you crossed Tyson Fury with a prawn. These ugly pink bastards have a smutty perforate and will attempt you on sight. They do turn up useful materials as they search for food, however, so it can be worth risking a crustacean haymaker to collect what they leave behind.
Cuteness: 0/10
Threat: 5/10
Function: 5/10
Strangeness: 5/10
A shark, but with calamary's tentacles for a mouth. Dead horrible. Also tries to eat you.
Prettiness -100/10
Threat: 7/10
Function: 0/10
Foreignness: 8/10
Noot fish
At a glint the noot fish looks like whatever other fish. That is, until IT goes search. When IT attacks prey, its mouth expands to multiple times its standard size and engulfs whatever it's hunt. Not the weirdest animal in Below Set, but still pretty odd. You tooshie also eat them, though I'm not sure wherefore you'd need to.
Cuteness: 3/10
Threat: 0/10
Function: 5/10
Strangeness: 7/10
This prehistoric looking beast is basically a big spiky fathead. It makes a lot of noise and will attack you for zero reason whatsoever, but it behind be easily run off with a swift kick up the arse.
Prettiness: 0/10
Threat: 5/10
Affair: 0/10
Strangeness: 6/10
The largest placental fish in Subnautica, the chelicerate is not to be messed with. It shares corporal characteristics with a shark, a lobster, and a nightmare. Information technology will onslaught you on sight, and crapper kill you instantly if you're downstairs 75 health. It can also deal important damage to vehicles, including the supposedly robust Prawn Suit. A truly dire animal.
Cuteness: 0/10
Scourge: 9/10
Subprogram: 0/10
Foreignness: 8/10
Lily canoeist
Perchance the weirdest looking creature all told of Infra Set, the lily paddler looks equally such like a plant A IT does an animal. It also has one of the strangest defensive behaviours in all of Below Zero, basically hypnotising the player and going them in a disoriented state.
Prettiness: 2/10
Threat: 4/10
Function: 0/10
Strangeness: 10/10
Eye jelly
A jellyfish whose membranous consistence houses an enormous eye, which tracks you as you impress around. Extremely creepy, but innocent unless you by chance relate its electrified tentacles.
Cuteness: 0/10
Threat: 3/10
Social function: 0/10
Strangeness: 8/10
Shadow leviathan
The shadow leviathan is an enormous black centipede that wants to eat you, and is every tur as terrifying as that sounds. They can kill a player under 75 health instantly, and if they beguile you in a vehicle, will spray an acidic substance from their mouths to try to get to you. They'll also attack whatsoever other aggressive creature in the spirited, devising them one of At a lower place Zero's most unreconcilable animals.
Cuteness: Lol
Scourge: 9/10
Function: 1/10
Strangeness: 9/10
Snowfall prowler
The snow stalker is a cross 'tween a overlarge dog and a Thalarctos maritimus. They look fairly cute from a outdistance, big white furballs that waddle on the ice. Get too close to one, however, and they testament annihilate you, knocking you to the ground and banging you with their big paws. Their pelt can be used for insulation purposes, if you can close adequate to one to compile information technology.
Cuteness: 6/10
Menace: 8/10
Function: 4/10
Unfamiliarity: 5/10
Ice worm
A twenty-metre long annelid comprised entirely of knives and rage, the ice worm is the most fearsome creature in the whole of Below Zero. They terminate burrow through the ice at astonishing speed, and will go after you across the tundra, bursting through the ground and slashing at you with their blade-like headway-plates. They also literally eat in snow stalkers for breakfast, which should hand over you some whimsy of how ferocious they are. Avoid.
Cuteness: 0/10
Terror: 10/10
Function: 0/10
Strangeness: 7/10
Best animal – sea rapscallion
With a utter combination of cuteness and weirdness, while also being pretty handy to have around, the Sea Putter is without a uncertainty the best animal in Beneath Zero. A round of applause for these seaborne simians.
Worst animal – squidshark
Disorganized by its vast prettiness deficit, the Squidshark is formally Below Zero's worst sea puppet. That mouth, yuck.
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